All publications - Social

Transformatiestrategieën voor verouderde stadswijken

Edited by Remon Rooij, Machiel van Dorst, Ina Klaasen, Fokke Wind

Stedebouwkundigen moeten niet alleen op uitvoering gerichte ontwerpen kunnen maken, maar ook visies en transformatiestrategieën kunnen ontwikkelen, waarbij de ruimtelijke, economische en(...)

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High-Rise and the Sustainable City

Edited by Han Meyer and Daan Zandbelt

With ten contributions from international architects and urban designers, this book addresses the key elements when considering the role of high-rise in a sustainable urban future.(...)

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Changing Places: Urbanity, Citizenship & Ideology in New European Neighbourhoods

Edited by Marco Cremaschi and Frank Eckardt

Changing Places investigates the process of change in European neighbourhoods over the last twenty years, both newly and purposely built neighbourhoods and redeveloped ones. It shows that change(...)

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Making Room for People

Edited by Lei Qu and Evert Hasselaar

Making Room for People elaborates on preferences in housing. It explores how users, occupants, and citizens can express their needs, searching for the enhancement of individual choice and control(...)

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The Europeanization of Cities

Edited by Alexander Hamedinger and Alexander Wolffhardt

The Europeanization of Cities sheds light on the complex interplay between cities and the EU, both how cities engage with the EU and how the EU engages with cities. In particular, the book(...)

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