We always welcome new authors. If you feel your manuscript fits the subjects covered by Techne Press, please contact the publisher, Heleen Gierveld, (
The publication process »
The publication process *) usually includes the following steps:
Authors who show interest in getting their work published, are sent a book questionnaire. This book questionnaire helps us to get an initial picture of the subject of your manuscript, how it relates to other publications, and for what audience your book is written.
This questionnaire is an excellent start for an initial meeting between the publisher and author. In this meeting we discuss your book project and whether or not changes to the structure and set up need to be made.
Based on the questionnaire and this meeting, possibly supplemented by additional information requested by the publisher (e.g., a complete Table of Contents, or further elaboration on the scope of the book), the publisher sends the author a publishing proposal, together with a draft of the book contract.
During the writing stage, the author and publisher stay in touch on an occasional basis, to fine tune progress and to discuss relevant issues.
Upon receipt of the final draft of the manuscript, the publisher requests a second opinion or peer review report. This blind allows peers in the field to give their honest opinion on the manuscript, with suggestions for improvements, if required.
The author may revise the manuscript based on these comments, and once the final version is accepted, the publisher will embark on the production phase, including language editing, lay-out, and printing.
In many cases, the publisher starts the promotion of the book well before the final manuscript has been delivered. This is because many books get promoted to the book trade in brochures that are made well in advance. For this reason, the publisher will in an early stage decide, together with the author, on the title, book cover, and total size of the publication. Books are actively marketed in The Netherlands, Europe, UK, USA, Canada, China, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand.
Of course, once your book is published, the publisher provides final promotion to peers and readers, and promotion material is given to you to inform your own contacts of your latest book.
*) Although this description of the publication process is representative for the general course that our publications take, it does not necessarily mean that all publications will take this path, as each publication project is unique. For this reason, no rights can be derived from this description.
Instructions to authors »
In general:
Write accessibly:
Please write as clearly as possible, and if you have your text edited by an English editor, please work not only on correct grammar and spelling, but also screen the text on general style: proper transitions, redundant words, active versus passive sentences, etc. You may use summing up for the sake of clarity. However, please avoid using too many lists and bullets.
Permission for pictures:
When using photos, maps, and other pictures, please make sure that permission to use these pictures is obtained. Pictures taken from the Internet are also subject to copyright permission. In most cases, permission is given when the use is explained to the copyright holder; in some cases (e.g., aerial photos) a fee can be requested by the copyright holder. In all cases, the source of the photo must be mentioned at the proper place.
The author is responsible for obtaining permission to use photos and paying any required fees.
A short biographical note:
Please write a short biographical paragraph, as a separate document. This should include your name and the university and organisation(s) you are affiliated to. Write approximately 50 words for each author. These biographical details will be published at the end of the book, in "About the Contributors."
In your article, please mention the title, subtitle, and the name(s) of the author(s). University affiliations should not be entered here, but in the separate biographical note.
Instructions for your document »
Division of Text:
- New paragraphs should be indented, but not preceded by a hard return.
- Chapters should be divided in sections, numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. Please give each section a short title. Always start with 1. Introduction and end with X. Conclusions
- Subsections can be numbered 1.1, 1.2, etc., each with a short title.
Subsections are not obligatory, and are only useful if the subsection is substantial and if it fits the rest of your contribution. - Do not subdivide these subsections further (in other words, do not use 1.1.1, etc.).
- In some cases you may wish to have a white line in your text, as a natural break in your text. In that case, please enter a hard return and white line.
Graphical issues:
1. When summing up, please use
o bullets
or number the issues in your list:
2. Preferably, do not use square blocks () or arrows ().
When drawing a diagram, please make sure this is done on "drawing paper" (newer versions of Word) or that your diagram is converted to a .jpg file.
The book will be published in black and white. Therefore:
- Please convert all images to grey scale and make sure that they remain legible in grey scale, having enough contrast, etc.
- Please make sure that the legend or explanatory text has been adapted black and white print. (Thus a text like: "the red line indicates the growth of new business" should be corrected to "the grey line", or "the dotted line.")
- Images should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
- Please submit images as separate .jpg files, named as follows:
name author.Fig1.jpg
name author.Fig2.jpg - Insert in the text the following: author.fig1 at the position where you want your image. (Please note that in the book, the position of the figure might change slightly, but will always be in relation to, and close to, the relevant text).
- Under the author.fig1, please write the text that should accompany the figure as follows:
Fig.1: and write your text in italics. (Always mention the source of the image, if it has been published before.)
For example:
Fig. 1: The long-tem voluntarist development (Source: CRPM, 2002)