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Introduction to Energy Analysis

By Kornelis Blok

Liberalisation of energy markets, security of energy supply, and the threat of climate change are just three important current issues directly related to the world of energy. Introduction to(...)

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11 Ontwerpen voor de Delta (11 Designs for the Delta -- in Dutch)

Edited by Joost Schrijnen, Rogier van den Berg, Marieke van Leeuwen

11 ontwerpen voor de Delta bevat de beste afstudeerprojecten uit het afstudeerlaboratorium Delta Design van de TU Delft. Met deze verzameling heeft een nieuwe generatie ontwerpers met een frisse(...)

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Spatial Water Management: Supporting Participatory Planning and Decision Making

By Hasse Goosen

Spatial Water Management introduces the reader to the new Dutch policy of water management, which combines conventional water engineering with a new policy which incorporates planning for flood(...)

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What is Next after the Kyoto Protocol? Assessment of options for international climate policy post 2012

By Niklas Höhne

The negotiations on climate change are entering a new phase now that the discussions on new commitments after the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol have started. With this book,(...)

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Visualizing the Invisible: Towards an Urban Space

Edited by Stephen Read and Camilo Pinilla

Visualizing the Invisible takes up the challenge of both producing original insights into the nature of the contemporary urban, and of using these insights as a basis for the design of the(...)

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