Getting it Across: A Guide to Effective Academic Writing
€ 29,95
revised & expanded edition 2014
304 pages
ISBN: 978-90-8594-038-8


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Getting it Across: A Guide to Effective Academic Writing

By Sören Johnson

Revised & Expanded edition 2014.

Getting it Across is a practical guide for researchers and graduate students who need to publish their findings. The focus of the book is on effective writing: using strong sentences, clear word choice, and effective structure to get the message across.

The book includes over a hundred examples of actual written texts, mostly taken from the architecture and planning field. Using this “real text” approach and written in a light and accessible tone, the book addresses—in a very practical way—all the issues facing the academic writer: structure, grammar, word choice, and especially style.

Apart from its many applied examples, the book includes complete explanations, exercises and a thorough answer key. This makes the book an ideal self-study and reference book, as well as a practical text book for academic writing courses in the social sciences.

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