About the series: SPACELAB

From the series SPACELAB 01

The Spacelab book series will try to approach the study of the city from a perspective which is different to the normative and reformative one which has dominated planning since its beginnings. It will begin less with the question of what the Good City should be and more with the one of what the city is, as a movement and as a form, trying to see it as another hypothetical being might see it if they were to encounter it for the first time. The point of taking on this space of the object is to attempt to understand the liberating as well as the constraining potentials of the machine, and to join with a contemporary discourse on the potentials for enablement in contemporary space.

François Ascher, Université Paris 8, France
M. Christine Boyer, Princeton University, USA
Edward Soja, UCLA, USA
John Urry, Lancaster University,UK

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