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Greenspotting Haaglanden: reviewing landscape / een andere kijk op landschap

By Ad Koolen, Wim Timmermans, et al.

Greenspotting Haaglanden considers the meanings of green in Haaglanden, the metropolitan region of The Hague. The analysis adopts an emotional approach,defining the landscape in terms of rhythm,(...)

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The Re-Creation of the European City

Edited by Rob Atkinson and Cristiana Rossignolo

Over the last twenty years, the landscape in which cities and city regions operate has undergone fundamental changes. Cities and city regions have become key drivers of national and European(...)

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Urban Networks – Network Urbanism

By Gabriel Dupuy

Urban networks, network cities, networked cities and city networks are widely discussed, but there has hardly been debate on what constitutes an urbanism of networks. It is time to shift network(...)

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Transforming with Water : Proceedings of the IFLA World Congress 2008

Edited by Wybe Kuitert

Transforming with Water are the Proceedings of the 45th IFLA World Congress, June 2008 (International Federation of Landscape Architecture). They provide a wide and comprehensive range of(...)

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Purmer-Meer: ontwerpen aan de Purmer als bundelingsgebied in het Nationaal Landschap Laag Holland

Net boven Amsterdam ligt een ruimtelijk kleinood: Waterland, een nog steeds oorspronkelijk en open veenweidegebied, compleet met drassige stroken weiland, dijkdoobraken, smalle wegen, vrijstaande(...)

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